Our four month well baby visit is right around the corner (closer to five months, than four actually) and I can’t wait to see how much my man has grown. He seems to get bigger every day! This month has been filled with milestones and excitement for us as new parents. Our baby is turning into a tiny little human. He is developing his personality and learning new skills and tricks by the day. It is so much fun to watch him learn and grow.
December brought us:
Teeth! - my fears were well founded. This poor little guy has been battling tooth pain for about a month now. Some days are worse than others. Daddy has made a number of emergency trips to the store to try a new type of teether that might help with the discomfort. No teeth have broken through yet, but the way he is chewing it could be any day now
Rolling - tummy time is one of baby’s least favorite activities. He always does really well, but he gets fed up easily. This month he showed us that even the small amount of time spent on his tummy was enough to learn the tricks. He rolled over about six times one night while mommy and daddy proudly cheered him on.
Sitting - laying down is for babies! my little one seemed to say. He tries to do crunches anytime he is on his back now. With the smallest amount of assistance from mom or dad he can pull himself right up to sitting. He is still a little wobbly at the top, but his strength and balance are coming in strides.
Standing - this little boy has some strong little legs and he loves to use them. The only things that makes him smile more frequently than standing is flying!
Grabbing - he has got hands and knows how to use them! Play time now involves an assortment of toys in all shapes and sizes. A squeaky rubber cow, wooden blocks, a stuffed elephant rattle just to name a few. He loves to grab on and try to fit each one into his mouth. His success rate on that still varies.
Friends - playdates with his girlfriend and holidays galore found little man surrounded by friends and family of all different ages. For an only child that stays at home with mommy most days, he did surprisingly well around so many people. I'd say he probably handled the crowds better than his parents.
Dealing with tooth pain and the cold that I so generously passed to him after the holidays have made December a month of crab-itude. I feel bad for the little guy. He doesn't know why he is uncomfortable and I can't help him. But, amidst all of his cranking and crabbing he still finds time to sneak in some smiles and giggles to warm my heart and brighten the mood. He is such a wonderful little man, I am so thankful he is mine!!
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